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Shoot One, Shoot Two, Shoot Three


This tutorial demonstrates how to create an object that makes a different sound each time it is shot by a player.

In brief: we will encase a cube with a Trigger of type "TT_Shoot". Then we’ll add a RoundRobin that monitors the Trigger and controls three SpecialEvent actors. Each SpecialEvent plays a different sound, "One," "Two," "Three!"


  1. Create a room
  2. Add a 64x64 cube somewhere on the floor in the room.
  3. Add a Trigger to the map (see Actor Overview), and place it dead-center inside the cube from Step 2. Set the following properties for the Trigger:

    Trigger Properties

    Name Value
    Events → Event shot
    Trigger → TriggerType TT_Shoot
  4. Add a SpecialEvent anywhere in the map. Edit the following properties of the SpecialEvent:

    1  SpecialEvent 1 Properties

    Name Value
    Events → Tag one
    Object → InitialState PlayersPlaySoundEffect
    SpecialEvent → Sound Sound'Announcer.(All).cd1'
  5. Add another SpecialEvent anywhere in the map. Edit the following properties of the new SpecialEvent:

    2  SpecialEvent 2 Properties

    Name Value
    Events → Tag two
    Object → InitialState PlayersPlaySoundEffect
    SpecialEvent → Sound Sound'Announcer.(All).cd2'
  6. Add one more SpecialEvent anywhere in the map. Edit the following properties of this final SpecialEvent:

    3  SpecialEvent 3 Properties

    Name Value
    Events → Tag three
    Object → InitialState PlayersPlaySoundEffect
    SpecialEvent → Sound Sound'Announcer.(All).cd3'
  7. Finally, add a RoundRobin anywhere in the map. Edit the following properties of the RoundRobin.

    RoundRobin Properties

    Name Value
    Events → Tag shot
    RoundRobin → bLoop True
    RoundRobin → OutEvents → [0] one
    RoundRobin → OutEvents → [1] two
    RoundRobin → OutEvents → [2] three

Now, launch the map, point your gun at the cube and fire away!

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