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Add A Static Mesh

This is a Basic Procedure tutorial page. It explains how to perform a single procedure which is required in many different contexts.


  • SMs are resources, you're actually placing something that refers to the mesh resource
  • you'll be given a mesh name in the form Package.Group.Mesh Name or Package.Mesh Name


To place a static mesh in your map:

  1. Open the static mesh browser by doing one of:
    • UnrealEd Main Menu → View → Static Mesh Browser
    • Press the Static Mesh Browser button in the middle of the toolbar at the top of the Editor window. It looks like an arch, to the left of the "A".

The static mesh browser. The currently selected mesh is from the AbbadonHardware package, the Beams group, and the mesh itself is ASupport03AB. This is written as "AbbadonHardware.Beams.ASupport03AB".

  1. Do [Static Mesh Browser Menu]? → File → Open, select the package you want, click Open. (if you've already loaded this package, you can skip this step of course)
  2. Select the group you want from the drop-down menu in the static mesh browser
  3. Within the static mesh browser scroll down the list of meshes on the left hand side of the browser until you find the mesh.
  4. Highlight the mesh by left clicking once on its name.
  5. Close the static mesh browser or move it out of the way
  6. Find the spot where you want to place the mesh, and do there Viewport Context Menu → Add static mesh: {name of the mesh currently selected in the browser}

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adding a static mesh to a map...


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